What is Meet Free Monday and why am i in this stuff???
MFM campaign has been started by Paul Mc'Cartney - one of the most famous veggie celebrities and definitely one of the most eager one to make a change.
The concept - meat industries make it really bad for the planet. They say that Texas, mekka of all american beef producers, emmits 5 times more CO2 than the whole rest of USA together! How? - cows and chicken also breathe in and out, exactly like people. But there are so many of them raised to satisfy our meat-hungry stomaches that it becomes one of the most enormous threats to the planet and definitely one of the reasons of global warming. So, here it is. Don't become vegetarian if you don't want to. But just don't eat meat one a week, for example on monday. The math is simple - if we all stop eating meat once a week, the whole meat industry reduces the amount of product on 1/7. Can be quite a difference. I believe so.
Moer info for the interested ones here:
Caution, the whole web-site is in english :)
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