Strength Train With The Proper Exercises
The best exercises to use are big, compound movements that recruit a lot of muscle mass. Here are some examples:
Lower Body
Barbell Squat
Barbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Lunges
Good Mornings
Split Squat
Upper Body Horizontal Pushing
Dumbbell Bench Press
Barbell Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Upper Body Vertical Pressing
Military Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Handstand Pushups
Upper Body Vertical Pulling
Lat Pulldowns
Upper Body Horizontal Pulling
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Core Exercises
Ab Roller
Hanging Leg Raises
If you spent the rest of your strength training career using nothing but the exercises listed above, you would build a lean and sexy body no questions asked.
You would also build a better body at a faster rate than if you used isolation exercises and machines.